Saturday, July 3, 2010



Moving day is getting closer. I am kind of excited, kind of scared. That feeling accompanies all major changes in life though and to be honest I have gotten to the point where I have accepted it and kind of enjoy it. I just hope we can find a place that is worthwhile, and isn't a shit hole.

I have gotten to hang out with one of my bestest friends evar more and more lately. That friend being Sue. It's been pretty awesome and much fun. I had Sushi again and I am coming to conclude that while I like Unagi and things like shrimp and such in Sushi I prefer rolls that use just fish. My favorite roll so far as been a Cherry Blossom Roll, which is a roll with Salmon, Avacadoe, Crushed Macadamia Nuts, and Tuna with a spicyish sauce on it. It's really quite delicious. In other food news I made Balsamic Caramelized Onions for some burgers I had with my mom. I like them, but there needs to be a really strong counterpoint to go with them. A really salty cheese I think. Or maybe something like horseradish. I am going to have to think on it and come up with something.

It's been a while since I have posted any of the music I have been listening to so I am going to post a few.

Crystallized by The XX

It's Thunder and It's Lightning by We Were Promised Jetpacks

How Much More by Stars

Sea Lion Woman by Feist

A couple things about these songs and artists. Number one if you are expecting cutting edge or underground music you have never heard of before, you are looking in the wrong place. I am usually way behind the curve when it comes to stuff like this. The first song by The XX is pretty good. It has a nice relaxed vibe to it and I love the way they use the bass in the song. As a whole they are a pretty good band, but only a few of there songs seem like they are going to be stuff I listen to for any serious amount of time.

The three other bands I linked videos from are already part of my favorites. We Were Promised Jetpacks is one of those bands that you started listening to because of one song and every now and then you realize just how good another one of there songs is. It's not that you haven't listened to it, because you sat down and listened to the entire album, it's just that it didn't grip you before and suddenly you are hearing it again and can't understand how you didn't love it before.

Stars and Feist both fall under the umbrella of magnificent artists that I learned about through my love of Broken Social Scene. Stars plays some of the best pop I have heard and there new album, 5 Ghosts, is good but honestly seems kind of reserved and I don't know if I would say they are a band that does reserved well.

Feist on the other hand can probably do just about anything she wants and do it well. The video I posted is from her performance in Paris. I managed to find the entire performance online and that was the point that I went from liking Feists music to being amazed by how awesome she is. Generally most bands I listen to are excellent on their albums and good live, but a lot of times the productions and grand scale that is provided on the album doesn't work so well live so the songs change. Well Feist changed her songs when she performed them at this show, but instead of being different and not as good, they were better. It is the first time I have listened to an artist and absolutely, without a doubt, loved their live versions of the song more then the album versions. Well, let me clarify that a little bit, there are live songs I liked better then the album versions, but usually it's one or two songs max. In this case every song she played was better and more interesting then the album version. And this isn't a situation similar to Matisyahu whose Live at Stubbs album was awesome, but the actual produced album of the same music was terrible. The original Albums are still great, but the live performance added to them in ways I did not expect and made me love them even more.

Alright, so now that I have talked about my musical interests at the moment lets talk philosophy. Specifically the philosophy of sex. One of the classes I took last semester was the philosophy of sex. It discussed the philosophical importance and value of the action and term. We reviewed ancient philosophy starting with Plato and going through Christian philosophers such as Augustine and Aquinas. Then we hit upon philosophers such as Kant, Russell and finally Foucalt. Then we read some individual articles concerning specific topics. Now my primary interest in this class were the ethical implications that sex represents. Sex has always been the subject of moral and ethical quandaries and probably always will be. I do not think this is because it has any particular moral significance but rather because it is such a personal and important topic. In fact my personal opinion is that sex has no more of an ethical value then any other interpersonal interaction, and like any interpersonal interaction the ethical value is determined by the perspective of the individuals involved and how the interaction takes place. This is a pretty basic concept and if you are interested in learning more about it I suggest reading the works of Alan Goldman. What interests me is that if determiner of the value of a sexual act is based on the perspective of the people involved in the interaction as well as the context, what would certain philosophies say about the general perspective of sex in the setting of modern America? So what I want to do is go through some of the classic philosophers, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Mill, and maybe a few others, and take a look at what is considered the sexual norm in modern America and see what they would have to say. I am going to try to do that as the next semester goes by.

Speaking of school, I haven't had a chance to read Aristotles Metaphysics as I intended to over the summer. I still have a month or so, but I should be done by now. I just can't afford to drop the money needed to get a good copy. I have a pdf of it but I hate reading on my computer. Solution! Get an Ipad, but I need to wait until I am done with move in costs. Booo for financial responsibility.

Alright, well that's all for now.

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