Saturday, April 3, 2010

First Entry!

So I have decided to start a blog. Why? I think I need a place where I can just say what I want and talk about my life and the things I am interested in without worrying about who reads it and what is said about it. It should be fun!

On to more serious topics. I am trying to come up with an answer to some of the issues that are posed by the concept of ethical relativism. I had an idea the other night concerning the nature of any individual action or perspective. I think that because any perspective or opinion is absolutely unique in space and time then it has it's own set of unique settings. If this is the case then there is no such thing as the same issue. It is not possible for any one ethical situation to ever be the same when applied or explained to separate individuals or cultures. If that is the case then the issue of one culture saying an issue is right and another saying it is wrong and relativism saying both cultures are correct does not cause as big of an issue. This is because each culture or individual is judging a completely different situation because there perspective makes it unique to them. Hmmmm I need to work through this some more I am thinking.

So other then my philosophical ramblings I intend on talking about music and the things I am doing. So first of all, here is my favorite song of the moment:

Fang Island is awesome and I am very happy my friend Andrea exposed me to them. Other then listening to great music I am going to start going back to the gym this week. No more excuses! That I am going to buy a guitar and start learning how to play. I need something to do in my free time that is actually constructive and makes me feel like I am accomplishing something.

Well, that's it for now.

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